Office Fitness
Intro section
  1. Explanation of the site
  2. Goal of the site
  3. My background
  4. Why do this?
Weightlifting section
  1. Specific splits/routines
  2. Tutorial videos for each exercise
  3. Tips, like dropsets, warming up
  4. Clothing compatible with office
Diet section
  1. What to eat, how much
  2. How to avoid bloating, sensitivities
  3. Best takeout options
  4. How to eat at the office
Cardio section
  1. What to do, how much
  2. Avoiding sweat at the office
  3. Cardio with coworkers
Supplements section
  1. What to take
  2. What not to take
  3. How to take it at the office
  4. Where to buy it
  5. Testosterone, steroids
Personal lifestyle section
  1. Tips on alcohol, recreational drugs
Work lifestyle section
  1. How to achieve your goals and not be a weirdo
  2. Behavior around body commenting
Other ideas
  1. Use Github feature requests for commenting
  2. Use Github for showing old versions of the site